Meeting the madness...

My husband is a private man whilst I am a completely open book. I think this is why we work so well together. What one of us isn't willing to share, the other will and visa versa.

I'll give you a little insight into our lives so you know who is behind the mixed up writing and posts. 

I am an early twenties Welsh girl who is incredibly proud to be Welsh (as you can tell) who strangely, decided to uproot the two of us and move three hours away from all our family and friends! We also had recently bought a renovation project cottage close to our parents homes which we have just left for the time being...Nuts! (I'll do a post on this another time!)

Luckily, the move was for work so we didn't just move on a complete whim with nothing to pay our way. I work for a Formula One team in Oxfordshire and yup, I'm a complete petrol head. You'll soon notice this with my upcoming posts! How did I land this role? I literally applied on an absolute fluke! I had the opinion of "if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be!" Shockingly, I got the role (Finance based) and I couldn't be happier. Every morning I drive in through the gates thinking "This is awesome, I work here!"

My amazing husband is also a complete petrol head so when I told him about the role, he was 100% pushing me to do it. He didn't even hesitate about moving as he's lived just about everywhere but home for the whole time we've been together. This move finally gave us the opportunity to live together, spending every day and night together. AT LAST!

My husband works in the medical profession. He studied in Cardiff University then went on to work for the military. He had enough of us being apart so applied for the private medical sector in Oxfordshire. Luckily, he secured a role around half an hours drive from our cottage! 

Honestly, things are finally starting to work out for us. We've wanted nothing more than to just be with each other, alone for so long and now we are! We're up to some pretty big things this year so I'll keep you posted on all things motor sport, renovations and holidays...

L xx


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